Thursday, February 19, 2015

Surviving 101

Have you ever heard about useless people... Yes, I'm one of those lovely little princess. Imagine my parents sorprise when I decided to adventure myself into Culichitown.
So here's the tale of my little and complicated life. 
Once upon a time, there was me, enjoying my super funny summer when I got an email saying CONGRATULANTION YOU'VE GOT ACCEPTED. WELCOME TO MEDICAL SCHOOL. I couldn't believed it!
After I reading it I ran to my parents to tell them that I had been accepted and I would become a doctor, they were so proud of me.
So the moving and the packing began, what should I bring, what should I left, where would I live and how would I survive. Bad luck my parents got to excited so they solve the moving and the house problem so I got like three weeks to learn how to survive.... IT DIDN'T MATTER
I'm just not made to work, kind of an alergy or something, but let's focus on my first week... I arrived to this beautiful and perfect house, but... there's always a but, one of my brand new roommates was so annoying. Of course at the begining she was all puppies and kittens, another little princess away from home.
My other two roommates were normal people, that became great friends. The boy knew how to cook very well, he feed us everyday. The girl is one of the funniest persons I ever met, and a really good friend.
So at this point I hate one of my roommates, got the food from another and the love from the last one.

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